Recipe: Banana, Almond Butter, and Honey Sandwich

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Recipe: Banana, Almond Butter, and Honey Sandwich – a new idea for a lazy lunch or brunch, helping you save more time to make. Sliced bananas soaked in the sweetness of honey wrapped in a healthy whole-grain sandwich will be a saver on busy days!

Recipe Description

I’m being asked more & more frequently what it is that Poor Girl has for breakfast on a regular workday. I realized that though I’ve posted a couple of my weekend breakfast favorites here – meals that aren’t complicated but require a bit more time to make & savor than I have Monday through Friday – they don’t really illustrate what I toss into my bag and bring to work for a quick breakfast. Admittedly, my weekday breakfasts aren’t always that exciting, which is why I don’t really post about them. Usually, this most important meal of the day consists of some yogurt with flax seed sprinkled on top and maybe some fruit, or perhaps a nice steaming bowl of apple-cinnamon oatmeal. Quick, easy, no thinking required at all, which I like when I’m not fully awake (I’m not a morning person at all!).

But that can get old, and it certainly isn’t as complete a meal as I should be having. The following sandwich isn’t exactly the picture of a “complete” breakfast, but it covers a few more nutritional bases than a simple cup of yogurt and is still a relative no-brainer to make. Whole grain bread, almond butter, honey, and a sliced banana are all you need for this one, and even if it’s a little messy and not the prettiest breakfast, it’s still quite tasty. Think Elvis’s favorite sandwich, only without the heart-stopping bacon fat, almond v. peanut butter, and a kiss of honey to add a little something extra.

You can definitely use peanut butter if you prefer, as I’m sure the flavors would work together just fine. I’m personally just not a fan of peanut butter unless there’s chocolate involved. Though I stick to toasting my bread for this sandwich, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to grill it, as long as you can do so in a non-Elvis way with a light cooking spray or the smallest amount of butter possible. Don’t get me wrong, I do like big heavy breakfasts every once in a while. This is just supposed to be something to get you going for the workday ahead, not give you food coma. Still, you will get full! This may not look like a big deal, but it’s full of fiber & protein and should keep you going at least until lunchtime. I often have to split it and have each half a couple of hours apart because I just can’t eat it all!

Anyway, enough of my babbling. Here’s a quick, easy, tasty breakfast that costs less than a McGriddle and won’t raise your cholesterol like the rest of its fast-food breakfast sandwich family can.

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Lightly toast the bread.
Cut the banana in half, and then in half again lengthwise.
Spread the almond butter on one slice of bread, and the honey on the second slice.
Arrange the banana slices vertically on either slice of bread, top with the other, slice diagonally (helps to keep the banana in there), and enjoy!
*Note: for extra health benefits, try sprinkling a bit of flaxseed onto your sandwich before assembling. It adds a fun, healthy crunch!

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