I want to start off by thanking all of you for your compliments and feedback on PGEW’s new design & features! I’ll admit I was a little nervous about putting it out there, especially when so many of you dear readers have been following since the very beginning and have gotten used to things around here. But it was definitely time for a change, and I’m so glad that my goals of easier post-reading and ease of navigation were reached with the new design.
Especially when you consider the fact that the next recipe I post will be Recipe #175!!! I just stumbled across this fact yesterday when I was cleaning up some stuff on the back end of the site. I knew I’d posted more than 100 original recipes, but almost 200? It’s no wonder I was having a hard time finding certain recipes for myself on this thing! And it definitely means it’s time to write the real book, but I’ll talk about that in another post. 😉 For now, here’s what’s in store for this month:
- It looks like summer might actually happen this year! That means I’ll be out & about and heading to the farmer’s market a LOT more than I’ve been able to all year. Just like last year, I’m hoping to experiment with a few ingredients I like to eat but have never cooked with before, so look for some new fruits & veggies to show up in June’s recipes.
- With the warmer weather also come the “cool” dishes! I’m thinkin’ more granita, more popsicles, and more soup. Soup? Of course! I haven’t had a good gazpacho in forever, so I’m hoping I can score tomatoes for that towards the end of the month.
- Mango lovers, rejoice! Because my friend Catherine of Munchie Musings and I scored some perfectly ripe mangos last weekend, I’ve been able to bring one of my latest desserts shot ideas to fruition! One of the first recipes of the month will feature this super-sweet fruit in the most delightful little dessert shot I’ve made to date. Well, except for all those cheesecake ones… 😉
- We’re right in the middle of cherry season and I’m LOVING it! Hopefully you’ve all been able to score some Brooks or some sweet little Rainiers over the past couple of weeks. If not, don’t fret! The fine folks at Whole Foods Market wanted me to let you know that they’re having a fabulous cherry sale this month! For 1-day only on June 18th, all Whole Foods Markets across the country will be selling cherries at just $1.99/lb! An incredible deal, indeed! I’ll be sure to remind all of you via Facebook & Twitter as the sale date approaches.
- Speaking of fun through social media, if you haven’t become a PGEW Facebook fan (or a “liker” as they like to call it now; I prefer “fan”) or a follower on Twitter, be sure to do so when you get the chance! It’s a great way to stay connected and get a lot of updates on sales & what’s going on in PGEW land when I’m not actually on the blog.
That’s it for now, folks! Stay tuned for a new recipe today or tomorrow, and for a BIG announcement in the next couple of weeks.
Happy June, everyone!
🙂 K