Plea from a flu-ridden Poor Girl…

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Dear Everyone Who Wants To See Me Have My Own TV Show,

Now, don’t get too excited; we’re not quite there yet (though there have been a few casting producers who’ve contacted me over the past couple of months).  However, I’ve done one real video for PGEW TV (the others are slideshows, but still worth the watch) and the next round of Project Food Blog will allow me to create another one, this time, with me cooking something up in my teeny, tiny kitchen.  That’s right, folks!  For all of you who have emailed or commented or tweeted or Facebooked (yes, I just conjugated a noun… may the English grammar gods forgive me for that!) about wanting to see me prepare something on TV or video, the post for Round 7 will make your wishes come true!


I cannot get to Round 7 without your help!  This is why I need for you to vote for me for my Round 6 post: Grains, Trains & Gallons of Rain, in which I almost killed myself by heading out into yesterday’s crazy storm and almost converting my current flu into something worse.  Those of you in the greater Sacramento area know that yesterday was awful in terms of rain & wind, and I was in NO condition to go out there!  Alas, I am extremely dedicated and determined to keep advancing through this competition, so I went anyway and had a lovely (albeit soggy) picnic.

Red Quinoa, Apple & Cranberry Cake with Homemade Cream Cheese Frosting

So if you would like to reward my flu-induced insanity or would just like to see me do the video post next week, please vote for me for Round 6!  You can read my post and vote for me here or click on the lovely little widget to your left.  And if my bribing you with promises of PGEW videos didn’t convince you enough, perhaps I can bribe you with another piece of cake.  After which I will be seriously considering a career in dirty politics because my “vote for me” posts are getting more & more shameless!  🙂

Seriously though… I really want to win this thing and could so use that $10,000 prize, so I would greatly appreciate your continued support to help me reach that goal.  You’ve helped get me this far, right?  😉

Thanks so much, everyone!


Kimberly (aka Poor Unemployed Really Sick & Sniffly Girl)

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