Well, we’ve made it to the second month of 2011, and I must say I’m enjoying this year so far! Granted, the weather could be a little better for everyone (I will refrain from gushing about this week’s weather here in my neck of the woods), but other than that, things are going well. The new job is interesting & challenging, I’m finally able to wear matching shoes after two months of hobbling around with that silly foot cast thingie, and *drum roll, please* I am finally – FINALLY caught up on my rent!!! *cue applause* It’s been quite a struggle, and it doesn’t mean that I can go gallivanting to every mall & grocery store to start shopping, but let me tell you: it feels GOOD to know I’m caught up & current on something as important as rent.
But good things in PGEW land have also kept me quite busy, so there are a few things I wasn’t able to get to in late January. The good news is, they’ll coincide perfectly with this weekend’s sports festivities! Here’s some more info on that, and what else is in store for February:
- My first photo makeover of the year is a-coming, and I can’t wait to share it with you! Not that folks haven’t dug the recipe with the original pictures, but since it’s a PGEW favorite, it’ll be nice to have it properly represented with a good looking photo. Any guesses as to which recipe it might be? (Whoever guesses correctly gets my undying love and devotion. And a cookie.)
- I am also posting my very first *gulp* video recipe this weekend! EEK! I was hoping to have it up earlier this week since it was going to be featured in a special Foodbuzz ad, but alas the only video software I could find for free is an absolute pain to use. I finally decided to go super lo-fi with it because it’s still a great recipe and I want to share it with all of you, so forgive the bad video-making! Like my newsletters, they will get better in time. 🙂
- Speaking of which, have you signed up for PGEW Bits & Bites, the official Poor Girl Eats Well newsletter? If not, you can do so using the form to your left, or straight through the PGEW Facebook page! A few issues have already gone out, and so far folks are really digging it. If you get the chance, subscribe today & you’ll have the latest issue sometime this weekend.
- The return of the $25 Shopping Cart is nigh! Though some folks wanted me to do a second Trader Joe’s edition, the new grocery set-up at my local Target got the most email votes, so off to Target I go this month! If you’re a Sac local and want to suggest a place for my March $25 Shopping Cart, comment below or shoot me an email!
- Now that the January Rules challenge is over, I feel a little less guilty about sharing some of the new dessert shot recipes I’ve dreamed up lately. These tiny treats are sweet & slightly sinful and perfect to share with your special someone on Valentine’s Day. Stay tuned!
Well, I hate to cut this short, but duty calls! I want to make sure this video gets finished & posted before it kills me, so I must get back to that. Wish me luck!
Have a fabulous weekend and Happy February!
🙂 Kimberly