So I went on a slight geeky techy binge last night and quickly made a couple of fun little doo-dads to help you stay connected to PGEW wherever you may be.
The first one is the Poor Girl Eats Well widget, which you can install practically anywhere. You can add it to your blog, share it on Facebook, or add it to your iGoogle page, so you’ll always have the latest PGEW updates on hand. Just click on on the “Get Widget” button at the bottom of the widget that I have posted on the left sidebar, select which site(s) you want to add it to, and voila! Instant PGEW. 🙂
The second one is for all you iPhone, Android, and other swanky phone users out there. Though I know that PGEW loads just beautifully on these little devices, the print is a bit small and it can be a hassle to always have to increase text size, etc. PGEW Mobile not only allows you to view posts in a more user-friendly manner but makes it easy to follow me on Twitter and includes the Tip of the Week feature, so you can make the most of your shopping dollar and the food you buy. I’ve implemented the mobile feature on the site so those of you who access the regular site with iPhones, etc. should be automatically redirected to the mobile version but if you’re not, simply go to the following link and you’ll be connected right away (I made my friend, Rich, be my guinea pig last night and he said it worked great, so if it doesn’t we’ll blame him. HA!).
Please let me know if you’re having trouble viewing either of these gadgets, particularly the mobile site. Otherwise, enjoy the new stuff, and be sure to spread the word!