Today marks the start of my 3rd Blogiversary Weekend (!!!!!!!!!) and it randomly occurred to me that aside from the occasional magazine or newspaper shoot, I’ve never really shown you my little kitchen. I talk smack about it all the time: how tiny it is, how it makes no sense to me that my water heater is right next to my stove, how tiny it is…
But despite all that, I still love my nano-kitchen. It’s where I feel most creative; most inspired; where the real escape is for me after a long, hard day. Sure I have to constantly move things around in order to get anything done, and I would kill for a dishwasher that involves buttons & lots of noise rather than my own hands. But it’s the heart of this little apartment & where I create what goes on this, my baby blog, which is growing up so fast.
So, without further ado, here’s a little tour of Poor Girl’s tiny little Midtown kitchen…
That is literally all there is to my kitchen, so that’s where the tour ends, folks! I hope you’ve enjoyed this edition of Photo Friday. Be sure to stay tuned to PGEW this weekend, as I will be celebrating PGEW’s 3rd Blogiversary all weekend long with new recipes, new stories, and my favorite: my PGEW Year In Review.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! 🙂