What’s in Store for August

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If we’re to go by the weather the rest of the country is dealing with right now, it’s definitely summertime. The sweltering heat that normally assaults the greater Sacramento area this time of year seems to be taking its own vacation in the Midwest and the South. Meanwhile, we are enjoying the most gorgeous late spring/early summer imaginable. In August! Though I hope the rest of the country starts feeling some relief from the heat soon, I also hope this beautiful weather sticks around throughout this great month. Like this rest of this jam-packed, super-busy summer, there’s going to be a lot going on this month (like my birthday… can’t believe it’s that time again!), and it’s just nicer to experience all of it without worrying about melting in the sun.

So what’s goin’ on in August?

  • My baby blog is going to be TWO years old this month!!! Can you believe it? It seems like only yesterday that I started PGEW, and now it’s time to celebrate another blog anniversary. Look for a special blog bday post on August 10th.
  • I went a li’l nutty at the farmer’s market again this weekend, but when I got home I realized I’d done it again – spent just about $25 without even trying (I think the final tally was $25.85)! Methinks it’s time to start incorporating the farmer’s market into The $25 Shopping Cart series, so be on the lookout for that.
  • Some of my produce-induced euphorias were caused by all the crazy-beautiful & affordable tomatoes that are all over the place now! FINALLY!!! Poor Girl’s idea of heavenly fodder has finally landed on Earth and that means my much-promised gazpacho – and a bunch of other tomato-centric recipes – will finally become a reality! I know, I know, I could have created long ago and used V8 or something, but…… no. Gazpacho is best when prepared from the freshest ingredients, and now that I’ve got ’em, I’m going to use ’em!
  • Street food. It’s slowly making its way onto the radar of foodies everywhere, and some U.S. cities like Portland, OR, showcase an amazing array of food trucks, carts, and stands filled with great food. With such ethnic diversity here in Sacramento, we have a ton of potential for an awesome street food scene, but city ordinances won’t allow it. Stay tuned for a recap on this past weekend’s Taco Truck Tour and why Sacramento food enthusiasts are trying to Save the Taco Truck!
  • The big, big, BIG news is that yours truly is headed to the International Food Blogger Conference in Seattle!!! Squeeee!!! (Yeah, yeah, I just squee-ed… I can’t help it; this news excites me.) I was super lucky and scored sponsorship to the event courtesy of Red Lobster, so I’ll be providing some great coverage of the conference and its highlights. Hosted by Foodista and Zephyr Adventures, the 2nd Annual IFBC will feature some foodie notables, including James Oseland, editor-in-chief of Saveur magazine; Victoria Von Biel, executive editor of Bon Appetit; and Morgan Spurlock, the Academy Award-nominated director of Super Size Me! This is a big deal and the sessions which span everything from the art of recipe writing to improving one’s photography sound phenomenal. Legend has it that the goodie bag alone is worth the trip (Sur La Table anyone?), but I’m looking forward to learning, meeting new people, and finally scratching Seattle off my Must Visit list! Stay tuned! It’ll be a blast!

That’s all for now, everyone! Have an awesome August!



What's in Store for August

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