One of my favorite things about January in Sacramento is Dine Downtown Week. Every year, the Downtown Sacramento Partnership rounds up some of ...
I’ve been meaning to get this review posted for a couple weekends now, but I keep on getting distracted. I was just going through the photos on my memory ...
Last night I joined a group of other Sacramento food bloggers for a fantastic dinner hosted by Star Olive Oil. The company has just released its first ...
If you live in or near Sacramento, you've probably heard the buzz about a (not so) little event called SactoMoFo. Taking place this weekend in Midtown's ...
If you live in or near Sacramento, one of the best things to look forward to in the new year is Dine Downtown Week. Every year during the first week of ...
5/5 We went on a Friday night right after I got off work. Because the dinner rush hadn't ...
It used to be that there were just a few options for folks who were craving a big juicy burger. When I was little the choices included your standard fast-food ...
As much as I love brown-bagging it, there are times when I'm in such a hurry in the mornings that I forget my lunch at home, causing me to flounder around in ...
Last weekend, Mom and I decided to take a quick trip to beautiful Monterey and Carmel-By-The-Sea. It's the first time she's had a vacation in 15 years (!!!), ...
The next day we focused on Cannery Row and again decided to make use of the coupons we had for freebies. By this time I'd learned that The Fish Hopper, ...
Raise your hand if you love take-out! I know I do and although I don't indulge in it anywhere near as often as I used to, it's still a nice treat from time to ...
When was the last time you went to a Red Lobster? I can honestly say it had been several years for me; so many, in fact, that I calculated I was ...