Anyway, I hope you all don’t mind if I keep this short, especially because I have a GIANT I ♥ the Farmer’s Market post I’m working on that requires all my attention. Featuring an interview with the fine folks at News10 on tips to shop your local market on a budget & get the kiddies into healthy eating, a tour of the market with one of Sacramento’s premier chefs, and envy-inducing photos of our special fresh-from-the-market lunch, this is going to be a good one. 🙂
Here’s what else is coming in May:
~ I bought tropical fruit and I’m not afraid to use it!!! I’ve never made anything with fresh guavas before, so I’m super stoked to work with this fruit and the other great finds I got from my last $25 Shopping Cart Run.
~ Mother’s Day is this weekend and though I’m not sure I can top my mom’s birthday crepes, I do have a pretty stellar recipe planned for her Sunday morning brunch that I’m sure she’ll also love. (Sorry, Mama! I’m not telling you what’s on the menu. HA!) I’ve been tweeting a few Mother’s Day Brunch ideas on Twitter (are you a follower yet? If not, whatcha waitin’ for?) so be sure to check them out if you want some good, low-cost ways to spoil the most important woman in your life.
~ Strawberry & asparagus seasons are in full swing right now, so I’ll be making the most of them this month! Within my budget, of course, but if I can find a way to squeeze either one into a recipe this May, I’m gonna do it. 🙂
~ Cherries are a-coming! Just saw the first of this year’s cherries at the farmer’s market and they were gorgeous. The cherry is one fruit I absolutely refuse to eat unless it’s in season, so now that they’re ready, I’ll be taking full advantage of them, too.
As usual, more recipes, a news tip, and a new edition of The $25 Shopping Cart will be featured this May as well. That’s it for now! Happy May, PGEWers. 🙂